You’ve got a Markdown build pipeline and you wanna publish to Medium without the tedium! If you wanna publish a chosen article to Medium, not an entire static site, this how to is for you.
The Hemingway Editor says that sentence is:
hard to read (yellow highlight), and; uses passive voice (green highlight). As an noob writer, I frequently make those mistakes, so that kind of feedback really helps me.
Here’s an example docs-as-code build pipeline. It describes a process for checking and testing documentation written in markdown format. After committing and pushing markdown changes to Github, the pipeline will run.
Before you publish written content, you wanna check spelling, lint markdown, improve prose, and fix broken links. This approach uses a builder image specialised for your docs-as-code workflow.
Have you thought about managing docs as code?
Before you publish written content, you wanna check spelling, lint markdown, improve prose, and fix broken links. The idea of docs-as-code is to version control, build, test, and deploy your documentation using pull requests, continuous integration and continuous deployment.